Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Quick! While He's Sleeping...

The new medicine is working wonders. Charlie's reflux is now under control. So, he decided to start teething yesterday. He does not care for teething tablets until they kick in- then he loves them.

We had him baptised on Sunday and lots of wonderful people joined in the celebration. We are so blessed to have so many people shower us, especially Little Man, with so much love- family, friends, neighbors, and a congregation of 1500 families!

And speaking of baptism- a special congratulations to our California family is due! Cousin Jennifer was also baptised on Sunday in a small ceremony. The pictures are beautiful. We're so happy the kids have this special day to share.

Ted went to work this week. While we are sad he isn't here with us, we keep him nearby in many ways. I tried talking Charlie into not growing until Daddy returns, but I don't think he was listening. We're already looking forward to a trip to pick him up soon.

Finally, a blast from the past blew through town this week. The world famous Mr. Wagner (my neighbor in college) stopped by for a visit on his way to the beach. He updated me on all our old pals, entertained and enlightened with Chicago Public School stories, and gave Charlie his first lesson about whiskey- only drink the good stuff. It was a nice visit and we hope to see him again soon.

Now I must sleep. I have pictures to upload, however Auntie is doing her fancy tricks to make some of them even better (hopefully to post on her blog), so I need to do some playing.

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