Sunday, November 23, 2008

Who's got

big bue eyes and refuses to nap?

This guy!

Last night I was holding him thinking about how much he looks like Ted. Don'tcha think?

Friday, November 21, 2008

First Snow...

and we missed it!

We got a dusting of snow overnight that did stick. But Charlie slept until it had melted, so I could not get pictures.

This does give me hope that we will get some cute snowy pics this year, though.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

He Wears a Lot of Hats

Here Charlie is looking ever so cute in Big Daddy's cap. This smile is the one he reserves just for Big Daddy.
Here he's a sleeping model for the new Sheepy Pants that I made him

And this sums up his mood lately- crabby. Teething is no fun.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Swim Lessons

Charlie had his first swim lesson today. He loved the water. He's already kicking, reaching for toys in the water, and holding himself up on the edge of the pool. Not too keen on floating on his back yet.

Also, a belated note to Daddy: "Hey, Daddy, happy birthday! I made you a present but I left it in my other pants!"