Monday, August 25, 2008

Who's a Lucky Baby?

Last week we had a photo shoot with Auntie at the site where she and Uncle Jer got married. It was so much fun and we got some fab-u-lous pictures. I'll share a few, but I have to save some for her to post on her blog.

We also visited Mama and Big Daddy's church for the first time. Charlie was a hit and made several new friends.

This week is jam packed with activity, too. I have joined a local mommies board, so we are going to go to some events this week. I am most excited about roller skating on Friday! A local skating rink is opening just for us and letting us take our strollers out onto the floor. It's going to be so much fun! And when we get home, Gram and Popi should be arriving.

Ta Da!

Cutest tushy ever

This bib plus this diaper just begged for a Superman reference


That's one delicious fist

Feet, diaper... sweet

Sunday, August 17, 2008

4 month stats

Yes, boys and girls, our Little Man is already four months old! As usual he is very busy doing New Things. Lately those Things include rolling over occasionally, sucking on his fingers/pointing to where his teeth are coming in, standing whenever possible (including in his new activity center), and every morning when he wakes up he tells the ceiling fan a joke and laughs.
Now for the stats:
His weight is 15 lbs, 1 oz which puts him in the 56th percentile for his age.

His length is 23.25 inches...
which puts him in the 6th percentile! Mama has nicknamed him SquattyBody.

Here's the dumpling in his new activity center, in which his feet almost touch the ground.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fairly Useless Trivia

I wish I could take credit for this, but it came to my inbox courtesy of I found it entertaining, though not baby related, and wanted to pass it on. Enjoy!

Little-known fact about August: it is a thief! The months used to alternate between 30 and 31 days all through the calendar, but when the Romans decided to give Caesar Augustus a month, they didn't want to annoy him (= they did not want to be beheaded) by giving him a shorter month than Julius Caesar's month that fell before his. So, poor February shuffled up and sacrificed a day to prevent an Imperial Tantrum. And September had a day wrested away from her too, so there would not be four "long" months in a row. The Romans were all about symmetry. And um, not getting beheaded.
In modern times, August is the Dog Days of Summer, the last gasp before Back-to-School. It boasts National Wiggle-Your-Toes Day and National Blame-Someone-Else Day and National Book Lovers' Day! Not to mention Sneak-Some-Zucchini-Onto-Your-Neighbor's-Porch Night, which is always a rollicking good time.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Mama's Onto Something

I like her gear for bathtime. Charlie had a great time splashing her while I mowed the back yard.

Here's what Champ has been up to since the last post:

  • one l-o-n-g car trip to PA to play with cousins (waiting on permission to post pics/video)
  • one short car trip to F-ville to play with Shug and Violet
  • first time in an exersaucer
  • soothing himself to sleep
  • holding his bottle when I put it in his hands
  • telling jokes and laughing at them, he's very vocal these days
  • baby Pilates- he loves backbends, situps, and standing and stomping his foot
  • more hair loss
  • rolling back to tummy a few times
  • more teething- they are so close to breaking through!

His "I'm so excited you're going to pick me up" face

He loves the Jump Up but has to get his Detroit Lean on...