Wednesday, June 25, 2008

2 Month Checkup

Yes, it has been too long since I updated. Babies have this amazing talent for calling you when you just settle in to the computer.

First, the latest news: Charlie had his 2 month checkup a week late yesterday. He's 12 pounds, 9 ounces and 22 inches long. I was really expecting him to be 13 pounds. He was mostly very content while there except for the actual exam part. He screamed at the doctor for checking his heart and lungs and he squealed a little when he got his shots. But then he fell asleep immediately. We are trying a new medicine for his reflux since it is still not really under control. It has to be custom compounded for him.

We all went to Big Daddy's family reunion last week. We were having so much fun that we decided to stay a day longer than we originally planned. Caitlin had fun playing with all the little cousins and with the kids her own age. Her favorite part was fishing with Uncle Bob.

Charlie went swimming for the first time. He did not like the kiddie pool because it was too cold, so we went to the big pool. He stayed in my arms and I swished him around to get him used to the water. He was asleep in less than 5 minutes. There are pictures of him in his adorable swim wear, but I don't have them on this computer yet. But I do have this one that Auntie took on the porch one morning.Just try and tell me that's not the cutest baby.

To see more of Lisa's fabulous work, check out her blog at


Katie said...

OMG, seriuosly, Ash, he is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gracie said...

So glad that Caitlin had a great time. She is such a great kid. Not to mention georgeous. Hope the new medicine works for Charlie.

Unknown said...

This baby is growing so fast and he is tooooooooooooooo cute. I want to kiss him and squeeze him. Soon I hope. Mommyhood suits you well. Love you.