I wish I could take credit for this, but it came to my inbox courtesy of http://www.paperbackswap.com/. I found it entertaining, though not baby related, and wanted to pass it on. Enjoy!
Little-known fact about August: it is a thief! The months used to alternate between 30 and 31 days all through the calendar, but when the Romans decided to give Caesar Augustus a month, they didn't want to annoy him (= they did not want to be beheaded) by giving him a shorter month than Julius Caesar's month that fell before his. So, poor February shuffled up and sacrificed a day to prevent an Imperial Tantrum. And September had a day wrested away from her too, so there would not be four "long" months in a row. The Romans were all about symmetry. And um, not getting beheaded.
In modern times, August is the Dog Days of Summer, the last gasp before Back-to-School. It boasts National Wiggle-Your-Toes Day and National Blame-Someone-Else Day and National Book Lovers' Day! Not to mention Sneak-Some-Zucchini-Onto-Your-Neighbor's-Porch Night, which is always a rollicking good time.
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