Let's face it, Southerners can be a bit superstitious- especially about food. We've got all kinds of rules and sayings about the goings on of the kitchen. So, like many cultures across the nation and around the world, we have a special New Year's Day meal that is supposed to bring luck and prosperity: black eye peas (to represent coins), greens (to represent paper money), and pork (because it tastes good, I guess).
Every year I attempt a new preparation of this tradition and this one is no exception. So while waiting for signs of a coming baby, this is what I whipped up today- just in case I'm in no condition to cook on Tuesday. I love my husband, but he is a true Yankee.
Ashley's Black Eye Pea Burgers
1 10 ounce container of real black eye peas cooked in stock- Please don't use the canned ones that are all mushy unless that is all you have available, bless your heart
1 Tbsp ground flaxseed soaked with 3 T water, or you could use an egg
1/4 oatmeal, cooked rice, breadcrumbs- whatever binder you like for meatloaf and such
1 Tbsp dried greens, I used some kale powder from my garden. You could use fresh and wilted, too, but adjust your binding ingredients accordingly
garlic to taste, more is better
chili powder to taste
salt to taste
Mash it all together in your food processor, with your mixer, or a pastry blender. Form into 4 patties and refrigerate at least 30 minutes. Cook over med-high heat in a sprayed pan until warm throughout. Serve with some bacon or as a side to some pork chops or on a bun with some mustard and hot sauce- whatever tickles your fancy.
Hope your 2013 is great, y'all!