Wednesday, April 29, 2009

12 Month Checkup Results

Yes, we are late on this checkup. I didn't want Little Man to be feeling yucky from shots for his party and our pediatrician was on vacation last week. So, without further ado...

Height- 19 inches, between 10th and 25th percentiles
Weight- 22.625 pounds, between 25th and 50th
Head Circumference- 19.5 inches, off the charts huge; no wonder he wobbles when he walks

As usual, the doctor confirmed what we already know- he's perfect! He did very well with his shots and was charming everyone in the waiting room and measuring station.

P.S. Here's my favorite shot from Auntie's pics of the party

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Zoo!

The following are some pics of Charlie at the Natural Science Center on Friday. He really loved the petting zoo part- chasing goats and sheep is fun!- and the aquarium was cool, too.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Party Animal

Hanging out with Mama before the excitement begins

Splashing around with Auntie. She had lots of fun, too.

Then Mommy and Daddy stripped me down for cake.

Hmmm... frosting?

This kind of destruction requires two forks.

Getting ready for presents

A new truck!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"It's Not Tax Day...

It's my Birthday!" Our one-year-old celebrated with a hotdog from Costco for lunch. Then he had a nice nap. The weather is beautiful, so we'll probably go play outside for a while.

Our original plan: but we just didn't have the time.