Not only does Charlie have 4 teeth now, he's working on at least 2 more that are very visible in the gums already. Those top teeth really just show up out of nowhere!
Amusing but really gross story:
Charlie and I are in the hotel while Ted and Caitlin are bowling. I have removed his diaper to give his tush some air time and he's crawling around having a good time. Then I hear a squishy sound. I grab a diaper and catch the deuce before it hits the floor. I wrap the dipe and call Charlie to the changing area so I can get him covered up. He looks at me, smiles, and pees on the carpet. Ah, little boys.
Right now he and Caitlin are crawling around playing with his cement mixer. Charlie absolutely loves Caitlin. She makes him laugh, and he'll just stare at her. We are some lucky parents.