First- congrats to Jessica and Sean! They heard their baby's heartbeat for the first time this week. We can't wait for the cousins to meet.
Here's Charlie's Christmas Schedule:
1. Open April Mommies Secret Santa gift from Simone and eat it.

2. Practice for the talent show.

3. Take lessons from Max on sneaking out of bed. (Christmas Eve)

4. Wake up with some wicked bed head.

5. Open stocking. Eat toys.

6. Go for a ride with Violet. Enjoy the beautiful weather.

7. Get dressed up. Hang out with Auntie.

8. Practice drinking from a big boy cup.

9. Open presents with Gatlin's help. Laugh. A lot.

10. Fall asleep on Mama.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
P.S. He did crawl this morning, too, but I didn't get it on camera. He's still honing that skill, so we'll get some video of it soon. By then Ted should be able to help me upload it.