Starting this week, I have been keeping a kick count log. While my doctors have not said that I have to, I think it is a neat way to track some quality time with Charlie. Now, I know I have told you that he is active, but this morning he set a new record for wiggliness. When he kicks or moves, I start my Pampered Chef timer and see how long it takes for him to move or kick 10 times total. This morning he wowed us with 10 good kicks in 47 seconds! Also, last night after I was asleep, he practiced his Tae Bo on Ted's back for a good while.
The tour of Labor and Delivery was uneventful. I had a huge list of questions that, fortunately for everyone else, the volunteer answered in her presentation. Ted is taking his job of "Gatekeeper" very seriously and has even started practicing telling people where to wait. The labor, delivery and recovery rooms are very nice. They are big and very calmly decorated. Ted won't have a good place to sleep, but he says he's been trained to ignore the elements. The nurses on the floor were very friendly to us as we walked around, and we did get to hear Brahm's Lullaby (which means someone had just delivered). After recovery, the room I'll be moved to is very small, but it still has the nice serene decorating. And, as long as there is an awake adult in the room, Charlie can hang out in that room, too. I'm hoping not to be there too long anyway since my bed is so comfy :)
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Flat Soda
I passed my glucose tolerance test this morning!
The Glucola drink is pretty gross. I made sure it was very cold and I held my breath and chugged. It was a little difficult to keep it down. I'm sure not taking my reflux meds beforehand did not help that. Ted drove me to the appointment, which was great because I did not feel so hot.
I had a bunch of other blood tests done today, too. But the only instant results were hemoglobin. Go figure- I'm borderline anemic. So, there's one more pill to take each day.
Our state just passed a law that if the mom doesn't have an HIV test during pregnancy, they will test the baby! I had previously declined the test because I knew I didn't need it. But now that they are threatening to stick my baby, I have changed my mind. I probably wouldn't care so much if the State also paid for these tests... having a baby ain't cheap.
Charlie's heartrate was the lowest we have heard it. I think we caught him while he was sleeping. He's still moving a lot, except when someone wants to feel him. Mom, Dad, Auntie, and Uncle John have gotten to feel kicks. Looks like Aunt Lovey (Kerry) will be the one with the magic sleeping touch as he calms down when she comes around.
At Katie's suggestion, I did try the flashlight trick. Ted thinks it is cruel, so I only did it one time. Sure enough, as soon as the light was on my belly, Charlie moved away from that spot. He definitely has a usual place he likes to hang out and it is rare that he curls up anywhere else.
Tonight is our tour of Labor and Delivery before class. I'm sure we'll have lots to say about it soon.
The Glucola drink is pretty gross. I made sure it was very cold and I held my breath and chugged. It was a little difficult to keep it down. I'm sure not taking my reflux meds beforehand did not help that. Ted drove me to the appointment, which was great because I did not feel so hot.
I had a bunch of other blood tests done today, too. But the only instant results were hemoglobin. Go figure- I'm borderline anemic. So, there's one more pill to take each day.
Our state just passed a law that if the mom doesn't have an HIV test during pregnancy, they will test the baby! I had previously declined the test because I knew I didn't need it. But now that they are threatening to stick my baby, I have changed my mind. I probably wouldn't care so much if the State also paid for these tests... having a baby ain't cheap.
Charlie's heartrate was the lowest we have heard it. I think we caught him while he was sleeping. He's still moving a lot, except when someone wants to feel him. Mom, Dad, Auntie, and Uncle John have gotten to feel kicks. Looks like Aunt Lovey (Kerry) will be the one with the magic sleeping touch as he calms down when she comes around.
At Katie's suggestion, I did try the flashlight trick. Ted thinks it is cruel, so I only did it one time. Sure enough, as soon as the light was on my belly, Charlie moved away from that spot. He definitely has a usual place he likes to hang out and it is rare that he curls up anywhere else.
Tonight is our tour of Labor and Delivery before class. I'm sure we'll have lots to say about it soon.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Baby Talk
Lately Charlie has been responding to Ted's voice. On Sunday night when Ted would talk about football, Charlie would start kicking away. He correctly predicted the Giants' win over the Packers (in overtime with a surprise 47 yard field goal for those who don't know).
We've started using a yes/no question system to determine things like what to eat and even middle names. It seems he has his parents' sense of humor, though. So far the only names that Charlie has approved for his own middle name are: Urban and Presley.
In making room for Charlie and purging our closets of accumulated detritus, I found a collage that Katie made me when we were living in McNutt sophomore year. I came home one day to find it posted on my door. In typical not-quite-subtle Katie fashion, there is a picture of an infant with the words "A Good Idea" next to it. While she may have been a decade early, I wholeheartedly agree.
Funny story from birthing class:
We spent a few minutes practicing some breathing techniques. The class had been really boring up to that point and the breathing we were learning is something that 3 month old Violet has already mastered. Anyway, we practiced with dads coaching and encouraging moms. We almost got through one round when Ted sarcastically said, "Way to go, Cupcake" a la Vinny the pre-scuba instructor. I cracked up and so did the six couples near us. When I finally composed myself, I told our friend Nancy that Cupcake is not even one of Ted's nicknames for me. This sent another wave of laughter through the class. It's probably not nice to make very pregnant women laugh that hard, but at least it livened up the class (and I did not notice any puddles on the floor). My husband- the class clown. I'm so proud.
We've started using a yes/no question system to determine things like what to eat and even middle names. It seems he has his parents' sense of humor, though. So far the only names that Charlie has approved for his own middle name are: Urban and Presley.
In making room for Charlie and purging our closets of accumulated detritus, I found a collage that Katie made me when we were living in McNutt sophomore year. I came home one day to find it posted on my door. In typical not-quite-subtle Katie fashion, there is a picture of an infant with the words "A Good Idea" next to it. While she may have been a decade early, I wholeheartedly agree.
Funny story from birthing class:
We spent a few minutes practicing some breathing techniques. The class had been really boring up to that point and the breathing we were learning is something that 3 month old Violet has already mastered. Anyway, we practiced with dads coaching and encouraging moms. We almost got through one round when Ted sarcastically said, "Way to go, Cupcake" a la Vinny the pre-scuba instructor. I cracked up and so did the six couples near us. When I finally composed myself, I told our friend Nancy that Cupcake is not even one of Ted's nicknames for me. This sent another wave of laughter through the class. It's probably not nice to make very pregnant women laugh that hard, but at least it livened up the class (and I did not notice any puddles on the floor). My husband- the class clown. I'm so proud.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Third Trimester!
I cannot believe how quickly this pregnancy is going. Today is the first day of the third trimester already. I know, in a few weeks I'll be saying "when is this ever going to end?" But for now I'm still enjoying it.
Not much new is going on with baby, although this is about the time that he should be opening his eyes. Which means he'll be able to see light through my belly. Cool. And my Pregnancy Week by Week book (thanks Kerry) is now giving approximate measurements of crown to rump and crown to foot. It's hard to imagine how something over 15 inches long is curled up inside my belly and still has room to kick and roll as much as he does.
Not much new is going on with baby, although this is about the time that he should be opening his eyes. Which means he'll be able to see light through my belly. Cool. And my Pregnancy Week by Week book (thanks Kerry) is now giving approximate measurements of crown to rump and crown to foot. It's hard to imagine how something over 15 inches long is curled up inside my belly and still has room to kick and roll as much as he does.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The Weather Outside is Frightful
With the "Winter Storm" we got overnight, I decided to stay inside the nice, warm house today. I've been working on putting the crib together. It is missing a few pieces of hardware, but I think I can get most of it done anyway. It's a much slower process with just one person working on it, though. Ted and I are usually a pretty good assembly team.
Charlie kicked Sid for the first time last night. She was very snuggly and would not stay off of the belly. Then whammo! he got her once on the nose. Surprisingly, she didn't even flinch. I'm hoping this means that she and he will get along well. You can all start crossing your fingers now. I did notice that since the kick she has not "made biscuits" on my belly but she hasn't avoided sitting on it either.
Charlie kicked Sid for the first time last night. She was very snuggly and would not stay off of the belly. Then whammo! he got her once on the nose. Surprisingly, she didn't even flinch. I'm hoping this means that she and he will get along well. You can all start crossing your fingers now. I did notice that since the kick she has not "made biscuits" on my belly but she hasn't avoided sitting on it either.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Oooh that Naughty Boy!
Monday morning I went in for a regular checkup and the doctor went to listen to Charlie's heartbeat with the doppler. I pointed out where he was hanging out at the time and she found his heartbeat almost immediately. But before she could count 3 beats, he kicked the wand and moved to the other side of my belly. She found his again, raised her wrist to check her watch, and Boom! he kicked and moved again. It took seven tries for her to get a nearly 10 second count of his heartbeat! Apparently he had some important business going on and did not want to be disturbed.
That night we had our first birthing class. It's not really a comprehensive class, so I'm not expecting a lot out of it. We did both learn a thing or two which makes it worth our time.
First, each woman had to draw a picture of her pregnant self and husbands had to draw their wives. Then we shared our drawings with the class as a way of introducing ourselves. I drew a stick figure. I'm pretty sure I was the only one there that said, "I really love being pregnant." Now, maybe this is because I have the latest due date in the class- I don't know- but Ted and I have agreed that I'm just going to keep on being my fat happy self for as long as I can. This is not to say that I have had a perfect pregnancy. But even on the days when I have sciatica, nosebleeds, swollen feet, bleeding nose and gums and acid reflux I still feel great!
The second part of the class, the nurse divided us into boy/girl groups. The guys had to make a list of how they feel (Ted said "hungry") and how we are acting. The women had to make a list of all the symptoms and side effects of pregnancy so that the men could see "why they are acting schizophrenic."
Then we did some exercises and went home. Oh and there was a video of a lot of very young people with really bad haircuts.
The hardwood floors will be finished today. They are so beautiful! Sometimes I just stand at the edge of room and admire them. The crib and bedding should be here within a week. My goal is to complete the major parts of the nursery by the middle of February so that guests can check it out.
P.S. I did get a 'script for Prevacid for the reflux. One day of taking it and I am already feeling so much better!
That night we had our first birthing class. It's not really a comprehensive class, so I'm not expecting a lot out of it. We did both learn a thing or two which makes it worth our time.
First, each woman had to draw a picture of her pregnant self and husbands had to draw their wives. Then we shared our drawings with the class as a way of introducing ourselves. I drew a stick figure. I'm pretty sure I was the only one there that said, "I really love being pregnant." Now, maybe this is because I have the latest due date in the class- I don't know- but Ted and I have agreed that I'm just going to keep on being my fat happy self for as long as I can. This is not to say that I have had a perfect pregnancy. But even on the days when I have sciatica, nosebleeds, swollen feet, bleeding nose and gums and acid reflux I still feel great!
The second part of the class, the nurse divided us into boy/girl groups. The guys had to make a list of how they feel (Ted said "hungry") and how we are acting. The women had to make a list of all the symptoms and side effects of pregnancy so that the men could see "why they are acting schizophrenic."
Then we did some exercises and went home. Oh and there was a video of a lot of very young people with really bad haircuts.
The hardwood floors will be finished today. They are so beautiful! Sometimes I just stand at the edge of room and admire them. The crib and bedding should be here within a week. My goal is to complete the major parts of the nursery by the middle of February so that guests can check it out.
P.S. I did get a 'script for Prevacid for the reflux. One day of taking it and I am already feeling so much better!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Feeling Productive Today
Now that we have carpet in the offices/bedrooms, things are starting to fall back into place around here. The hardwoods will be installed next week, so most furniture and boxes/stuff are back where they belong. Put away completely? Not quite.
Anyway, with this relative calm, I've been able to do some things that have been on hold for the past month. We set up a wireless network in the house so we can access the internet on the laptop from home without stealing someone else's connection. Not that we would ever do anything like that. This also means that we can both be on the internet at the same time and that I can be online while floors are being installed.
We also got haircuts today. Nancy hooked me up with a very mom-friendly bob. The back is shorter than it was last time. Ted likes it, too. With birth classes starting next week, Nancy and I had tons of baby talk this visit. She is signed up for the same class, so even when our hubbies cannot join us, we will not be alone.
I spent a good bit of time cutting diapers this morning. I still have 10 yards of outers to cut and all my flannel and microfleece (for the insides and fitteds), but it feels good to have one color done. Hopefully with Ted's help I can knock the rest out quickly.
We have picked bedding...

So we are working on nursery decor now, too. We have a great abstract photo done by Auntie Lisa that will pick up the red and blue. Hoping we can talk Aunt Evy into creating something fun with the orange and blue.
That's about it for now.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Long Time, No Post
Wow, so much has happened since the last post. I'll try to remember everything in the summary, but if I forget, I'll have to blame it on pregnesia.
Second, we've had Christmas versions 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 since my last post. When we returned from PA, there was a package on the doorstep from my Secret Nestie Santa, Lynn. She rules! I came home to a book, a cookbook (more on that later), warm fuzzy socks, nail polish and body butter. I was a very happy and grateful girl.
Ted and I exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve. After eating wings (we're so traditional), we had a small present opening session. He got me earrings and a gift card to a store where I can buy new clothes after April. I got him a book and The Jungle Book on dvd, which we watched right away.
Caitlin came to visit for almost a week, so we have been very busy. We had a sleepover at our house on Friday. Those girls wore me out. But we did get a chance to go see the lights at Tanglewood. It never gets old for me. Ted's parents joined us on Sunday and the whole gang went to my parents' house for another Christmas. The kids played together so well. Everyone had gifts to open. There was a puzzle for everyone to work on. It was a great day. I just love how all 16 people fit in with one another as if we've all been family forever.
New Year's Day was fairly laid back for us, considering an active 10 year old and her friends in the house. I made collards and black eye peas and grits (with recipes from the new cookbook). Soooo yummy. Ted made ribs for everyone else.
We took Caitlin back to Texas on Wednesday and stayed for a few days. Today is Saturday and we are in the Memphis airport on our way back. Thursday we went outlet shopping for Charlie. I had so much fun and I think Ted even enjoyed it. We picked up some 'future use' clothes at really good deals. I giggle every time I look at the little penny loafers. My favorite, though, is the bathrobe and matching slippers we found. They really crack me up.
We did have a couple of family photos done by my sister, Lisa. So I will be able to post a belly pic very soon. I'll try to get a shot of the robe and slippers, too.
In other baby news, I have officially passed the point of is-she-pregnant-or-fat for strangers. I'm getting comments and questions which means, to me, there is no doubt about the bump- even if you don't know me. I also saw a kick for the first time, sort of. I was lounging in the hotel room, watching tv, and Charlie kicked the remote off of my belly. Unfortunately, Ted was asleep and missed it, but I'm sure there will be many more to come.
We start birth classes next week and have to start searching for a pediatrician soon. The third trimester is just around the corner. I'm not sure I am ready for it because I am really enjoying the second. Hopefully I will continue to feel great and it won't make a difference.
The new carpet will be installed this week which means I will finally get to start on the nursery soon. I'm really looking forward to it, though it does seem a daunting task. Any decorators or seamstresses out there that wanna help?
Ok, I think that's enough for now. I promise to be back again soon.
Second, we've had Christmas versions 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 since my last post. When we returned from PA, there was a package on the doorstep from my Secret Nestie Santa, Lynn. She rules! I came home to a book, a cookbook (more on that later), warm fuzzy socks, nail polish and body butter. I was a very happy and grateful girl.
Ted and I exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve. After eating wings (we're so traditional), we had a small present opening session. He got me earrings and a gift card to a store where I can buy new clothes after April. I got him a book and The Jungle Book on dvd, which we watched right away.
Caitlin came to visit for almost a week, so we have been very busy. We had a sleepover at our house on Friday. Those girls wore me out. But we did get a chance to go see the lights at Tanglewood. It never gets old for me. Ted's parents joined us on Sunday and the whole gang went to my parents' house for another Christmas. The kids played together so well. Everyone had gifts to open. There was a puzzle for everyone to work on. It was a great day. I just love how all 16 people fit in with one another as if we've all been family forever.
New Year's Day was fairly laid back for us, considering an active 10 year old and her friends in the house. I made collards and black eye peas and grits (with recipes from the new cookbook). Soooo yummy. Ted made ribs for everyone else.
We took Caitlin back to Texas on Wednesday and stayed for a few days. Today is Saturday and we are in the Memphis airport on our way back. Thursday we went outlet shopping for Charlie. I had so much fun and I think Ted even enjoyed it. We picked up some 'future use' clothes at really good deals. I giggle every time I look at the little penny loafers. My favorite, though, is the bathrobe and matching slippers we found. They really crack me up.
We did have a couple of family photos done by my sister, Lisa. So I will be able to post a belly pic very soon. I'll try to get a shot of the robe and slippers, too.
In other baby news, I have officially passed the point of is-she-pregnant-or-fat for strangers. I'm getting comments and questions which means, to me, there is no doubt about the bump- even if you don't know me. I also saw a kick for the first time, sort of. I was lounging in the hotel room, watching tv, and Charlie kicked the remote off of my belly. Unfortunately, Ted was asleep and missed it, but I'm sure there will be many more to come.
We start birth classes next week and have to start searching for a pediatrician soon. The third trimester is just around the corner. I'm not sure I am ready for it because I am really enjoying the second. Hopefully I will continue to feel great and it won't make a difference.
The new carpet will be installed this week which means I will finally get to start on the nursery soon. I'm really looking forward to it, though it does seem a daunting task. Any decorators or seamstresses out there that wanna help?
Ok, I think that's enough for now. I promise to be back again soon.
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